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As we still have no vicar our lay reader Barrie and/or churchwarden Roger continue to lead us in Morning Worship on Sundays at 9.15am. We have Services of Holy Communion when a visiting ordained priest is available (usually 1st and 3rd Sundays). Please check calendar entries. Our Facebook Page (St. Luke's, Endon) is updated daily.
The church office is manned by Barrie on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10.30 to 1.00. During these times the church is open for private prayer. For all enquires relating to baptisms, weddings and funerals please contact Barrie on 07517 653370.
Our Connections Service (suitable for young families) continues at 11.00am every Sunday at St Luke's CE Academy along Leek Road. Please consult our current newsletter and the calendar for other news, further details regarding services and changes (available on this website).
St Luke's, Endon contact Barrie Jackson 07517 653370
St Chad's, Bagnall contact Kath Howell 01782 304616
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Upcoming Events
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'When two or more come together in my name I am here with them' (Matt 18:20)
Mid week small groups provide the chance to continue the journey of faith in a safe and secure environment. Groups are made up of 4-12 people, it is possible to study the Bible in greater depth; to ask the questions that we don't get chance to on a Sunday; to pray;to discuss our problems; to bring our hopes and fears; to discover our gifts and how we can serve. Friendships blossom and there are social occasions too!
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1st & 3rd Sundays: Holy Communion
2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays: Morning Worship
11.00 am Connections at the school.
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