Meet the Team


Barrie Jackson

Barrie is our resident Lay Reader and alongside other leaders helps co-ordinate and lead the 9:15 Morning Worship services at St. Luke's Church. Barrie also runs services in local care homes. He is the PCC secretary and undertakes various admin duties.

Roger Simpson

Roger is a Church Warden and along with Barrie helps lead the 9:15 Morning Worship at St. Luke's.

The Connections Team

Deb Podmore, Sue Forrester and Rev Patricia lead the Connections All Age Service. They set up for Sunday worship in St. Luke's Academy, Leek Road, Endon ST9 9EB.  During the week they meet to pray and plan the services.

Ros Benson

Ros produces the monthly newsletter and hosts the Monday Bible study group.

James Benson

James is Reader Emeritus.

Shirley Brindley

Shirley heads up our very active Pastoral Team, who visit the sick and elderly in their home and care homes.

Steve Dale

Steve is our treasurer.







Wednesday 2nd April
9:15am - 10:15am -
Thursday 3rd April
10:30am - 12:00pm -
Saturday 5th April
8:30am - 10:00am -
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