
Baptism services are held on Sunday afternoons and are arranged for individual families. So if you are thinking of having your little one(s) baptised please contact Barrie Jackson to make arrangements and to book your date for the service.

The baptism of infant children is often called ‘christening’. To christen a little one is to bring them to Christ. The infant being christened is at an age when they themselves cannot make any decision to become one of Christ’s followers. Therefore, adults (parents and godparents) speak on the child’s behalf. For more information please visit the Church of England website

Parents and godparents make a promise and commitment to nurture the child in a way that helps the child to become a follower of Christ by praying for them and, in attending church, by belonging to the family of the church. That is the promise made by parents and godparents. It is a big commitment and the promises should be made with some  intention to carry out those promises.

Families are therefore encouraged to begin to engage with the worship of the church. To help this, St Luke’s holds an all age service every week at 11am in St. Luke's Primary School, Leek Road, Endon. Please click on Connections Community Church for more details.

Adult Baptism
At St. Luke’s adults can be baptised on the confession of their own faith if they have not been baptised as infants. We also offer renewal of baptism vows by full immersion if adults have been baptised as an infant.

Please contact Barrie Jackson for details: 07517 653370

Thursday 13th March
10:30am - 12:00pm -
7:00pm - 8:30pm -
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