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There are 6 photo albums.
Connections (7 photos)
Our All Age Service held in St. Luke's Primary School Leek Road.
Remembrance 2018 (12 photos)
We gathered with the community to mark the end of WW1
Flower Festival 2018 (10 photos)
Some pictures of the displays from the flower festival
Well Dressing 2014 (15 photos)
For those of you who may not have been able to visit St. Luke's this year
Well Dressing 2013 (6 photos)
2013 Well Dressing featuring flowers at church
St. Luke's Church Building (12 photos)
Views of St. Luke's Church
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Wednesday 12th March
9:15am - 10:15am -
MIDWEEK HC at St Luke's
1:00pm - 3:00pm -
Thursday 13th March
Your choice of two groups
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